Today, everything is romantic. It’s a Sunday in late August, and after a late night celebrating the wedding of two of the most beautiful people I know, I slept in, cuddling with my lover and our pup. We eventually rolled out of bed and met our best friend for coffee, wandered around Logan Square, tried some new food (Noodlebird, ended up being BOMB, highly recommend). We popped in and out of kitschy shops, grabbing a popsicle from Pretty Cool Ice Cream on our way back to the car. It was 94 degrees, and I was drenched in sweat, but as soon as we got home, we were greeted by AC and our angel girl puppy princess, Penelope. It felt idyllic, and I immediately wanted to preserve this sweet summer memory in my journal. And now I’m posted on my couch, writing, with the new Sabrina Carpenter album playing in my ears–which, BTW, is NO SKIPS POP DELICIOUSNESS. 

I’ve been embracing romanticization in a supercharged way lately, feeling overwhelmed with inspiration. In some ways, I’ve been seeking creativity - I want to get back to sharing my writing more consistently, instead of overthinking it and then becoming avoidant. But in a way, artistry feels like it’s been seeking me lately. I’ve been moved to tears almost daily in the last few months, which is not that abnormal for my hypersensitive ass...but I swear the waterworks have been flowing even more than usual. And I love it! This overwhelm has me contemplating (lol at this Carrie Bradshaw-adjacent transition): what is it about right now that has me in this inspired flow state?

The air of femininity permeating through the culture recently certainly has a lot to do with it. To quote your artist’s favorite artist, it’s felt like a Feminomenon ever since this Spring. The wealth of girly musical output has me tapping all the way into my inner goddess. 

I’ve also intentionally been diving headfirst into this evocative energy and immersing myself in this radical softness. The media I consume, how I dress, communicate with others, and present myself IRL and URL. I’m not editing for the patriarchal gaze (glare) at all. I think that has equated to alignment that has attracted more of this inspired intervention to my orbit. 

I love learning what’s inspiring other people. I feel like inspiration begets inspiration, and why wouldn’t we want to put more inspiration into the world? Here’s some of what’s specifically been fueling my inspiration lately:

  • The House of Hidden Meanings by RuPaul

    • Ru’s story–from everything she’s experienced, her perspective on it all, and the gold nuggets of wisdom so thoughtfully embedded into every chapter–has me excited about the ebbs and flows of life in a new way

  • Pop music that’s so pop it’s almost camp? Does that make sense?

    • I.e. Diet Pepsi by Addison Rae

  • Making friends as an adult

    • It’s scary but exciting. I never want to stop meeting and learning from new people

  • Rewatching Girls (HBO)

    • I watched it when it was on air, but it’s an entirely new experience watching it in my thirties…I have a new appreciation for it. So cringe, so poetic—I’m loving every second

  • Spending time near the lake

    • I’m a Cancer sun and Scorpio moon

  • Writing for pleasure every single day

    • Whether it’s in my journal, Notes app, for this blog; flexing that creative muscle constantly helps me make sense of my thoughts + feelings and become a better writer

  • Going to the movies

    • I saw Maxxine with my girlfriend recently and was reminded of the magic of a movie theater. Also, speaking of a Feminomenon - Maxxxine as a movie!!! Incredible

  • Strength training classes

    • I renewed my ClassPass account and it was the best decision I’ve made all year

  • Chappell Roan

    • Obvious and unoriginal call-out at this point in time, but IDGAF. Her personal drag and references to iconic drag queens, the inner-child themes in her songs... her album has changed my brain chemistry for the better, in the Midwest Princess’s name we pray, aWOmen 🤲

  • Brat

    • ALL summer long, bitch. Been about Charli, still about her. Her being 31 when she released the album makes me feel proud and excited to also be 31. Also obvious, but I’d be remiss not to put this time capsule moment into writing

  • Las Culturistas podcast

    • Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers are perfect; I’d be hard-pressed to find something I disagree with them on. I love hearing them yap (and get deep!) as friends. I laugh, I cry, etc.

What are you excited about? How do you cultivate inspiration in your life? DM me, if you feel inspired to ;)

X 😊 X 😊



God is a woman and to me, she’s Lana Del Rey